Saturday, 27 July 2013

A Doll's House Non-Update

A fair few of you have been kind enough to ask for an update on my doll's house pub in recent months. I'd love to show you all the new details, the shiny pub sign above the door, the clay people bringing it to life despite being themselves inanimate...but I can't. The truth is that life has been getting busier and busier, and opportunities to indulge in adding to this miniature world have become scarce. 

There are some big changes happening around here at the moment, and at a rate of knots, too. This is mostly a positive thing - as change often turns out to be, in the end - but it does mean that my little doll's house will probably have to be packed away and sent to stay with family for a while. My grandad built it and gave it to me for my second Christmas, so I think it's fitting that he looks after it for the time being.

That said, not having the house at the moment doesn't in any way mean I can't make things for the house, or other miniature projects. I have scrapbooks full of ideas. So to those of you who have asked for a mini update, thank you and the answer is yes; there will be more miniature happenings on this here corner of the web soon, just not in the form I had planned.

Making doll's house miniatures remains my original crafty passion; the hobby that got me into being resourceful, working out how to make things from scratch, and creating worlds and times I could never otherwise visit in real life. I reckon such an important part of my crafting life does deserve a little more attention on this blog.

My grandad often tells me he'd like to see this particular art project finished, and it's true that I have been working on it for eleven years! Hopefully soon I'll have some new items to share with you.


  1. Wow, what a sweet little house and I love your button bracelet too! :) x

  2. Truly awesome, Anna! :-) x

  3. Your attention to detail is amazing.

  4. It just looks amazing and how lovely it was gifted to you by your Grandfather :-)

  5. Such a beautiful design!

  6. beautiful non-update ;)
    loving all the rooms!!


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