When I started #PostCircle I had no idea that over one hundred and seventy of you would be as enthusiastic about sending and receiving happy post as I am. Neither did I know what other sorts of wonderful things could come out of it! I'd like to share one such thing with you today. Introducing the brand sparkly new AnneeApple stationery range!
Inspired by all things #PostCircle, the talented Anne McBride has designed her very own range for fellow post lovers. And this is just the tip of the iceberg; she has many more design ideas up her crafty sleeve!
I love the idea of lettergrams (above), as after all this is how original written communications started out, with none of this separate envelope business!
Who wouldn't love something so cheery to land on their doormat in a morning? (Much better than the tax return forms I received yesterday. Sigh.) Annee has cleverly merged bright, modern colours with vintage-style themes to make something for everyone.
Annee's stationery range will soon be available in her new Etsy shop (keep your eyes peeled for listings appearing soon!) with prices in the region of £6 for 20 sheets of writing paper, personalised linen writing paper (20 sheets) at £8 and five lettergrams at £5 (prices subject to slight change as the range is fully developed). For the latest on the range's launch, and news of a giveaway soon, follow Annee at her blog and on Facebook.
Personally, I think my fellow otters are going to be very happy to get some of this #PostCircle stationery in the post very soon!