
Friday 21 December 2012

Life Lately

Like many others, I've had a rather hectic few weeks and Bea and I are fair exhausted! Here are a few snaps of life in my world lately.

Walks with Bea always take priority, so we've been to visit Thomas the swan...

And took time to notice the small things...

I tried a Graze box and was really impressed! The entire service is friendly and well organised, and I've tried some yummy new foods in an attempt to boost my energy levels and stay well through the winter months...

...Erm, except then I remembered I hadn't had a mince pie in two years, so I made a little exception. (What? It has fruit in it!)

My legs turned yellow! I've been loving coloured tights with warn knits lately.

I've been very busy making custom button orders, special buttons for friends, and new designs ready for a new year. Very excited.

I've also been making Christmas presents (can't show you yet!) but have found a little time for some other quick projects too. A tree decoration for Beatrix...

And this... thing...

I got Trevor the horse ready for Christmas in my other job...

I found these flashbacks in a charity shop...

And THIS turned up in my life! Isn't it beautiful?! It's huge!

I'm very much looking forward to finishing work for Christmas and curling up with this...

And this...

Are you ready for Christmas yet?


  1. Puddle Lane! I haven't seen those books in so long. There was a TV show too wasn't there...? *spends rest of day in fuzzy nostalgic haze*

    Loving the little festive Bea decoration too x

    1. I vaguely remember there being a Puddle Lane TV show but don't think I watched it. I liked the PL books about cats, especially when one - Tim I think - turned green! x

  2. Ooh lovely post Anna! I love that little robin button and Ruby has her own tree decoration too, just like Bea!You've done an amazing job with Trevor, he's looking very proud and festive.

    Have a lovely Christmas,

    Claire xx

    1. I'm a great believer in all family members being included in Christmas!

      Happy festivities to you, too :) x

  3. Yes, nearly there! I love your buttons, I think I might just treat myself in the new year! Have a lovely Christmas! :)

  4. Those toadstools/mushrooms are beautiful, the tea tin looks awesome, and I had completely forgotten about Puddle Lane until spotting those books! Good times... :)

    I'm feeling pretty relaxed this Christmas as we aren't hosting and I somehow managed to do my shopping in November(!) So I'm mostly eating mince pies and drinking mulled wine (which also has fruit in it, by the way :p)

    Wishing you a very merry Christmas. xx

    1. Ooh I've not had a mulled wine yet! Must have one for the vitamin C ;)

      You know, I've normally got Christmas all wrapped up well before now but think this rush is worth it as I'm giving small, handmade gifts rather than buying this year... then it SHOULD be a nice quiet one.

      A very Merry Christmas to you too - enjoy the time off :)

  5. Lovely post and pics!

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas time :) Marcella x

    1. Thank you Marcella and a very Merry Christmas to you! x

  6. You make your own buttons! That is so marvellous - what a skill. Sorry that I have not commented for a while but I have been reading. I shall keep a look out for BP things if are still collecting
    Best wishes and all the best for the festive season

  7. Wow the giant tea caddy is amazing! Where can I get one? :)

  8. Your dog is such a little cutie.
    Hope you have a lovely Christmas.
    Rosie xx

  9. Your little dog is absolutely adorable - the first picture is sooo cute. Love the tiny mushrooms too - very magical.

    1. She spends a lot of time snoozing like that! Thank you, Merry Christmas! x


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