
Wednesday 19 December 2012

A Few Vintage Acquisitions

A few little treasures to show you today! Firstly, thanks to a tip off from Miss Imogen Smith, I have completed my collection of Beatrix Potter 1980s biscuit tins, nabbing the three above from eBay and adding them to the original, my Peter Rabbit tin...

...And the Tom Kitten one I fought very hard for at a car boot sale a few months ago.

These will be handy for storing all sorts of small craft bits. I'm still trying to retrieve the Tom Kitten one from Bea who is storing her spare collars in it! 

Secondly, I was lucky enough to be given some odds and ends of vintage crockery by my aunt, left over from my cousin's wedding in the summer. 

Hopefully I should be able to finish decorating my glass topped desk with these saucers, and will show you the results.

Finally, I added a few more Enid Blytons to my collection.

I'm hoping to get the chance to revisit my childhood and read one or two over the Christmas holidays! (I have so many plans for the Christmas holidays, I really must think I'm having about six months off. In my dreams, eh?)

Have a thrifty Wednesday (last Wednesday before Christmas, hurrah!),


  1. I would love to start an Enid collection, The Faraway Tree stories were my favourite, they look so colourful together! :)

    1. Funnily enough I didn't come across The Faraway Tree stories until adulthood, so I feel I missed out! Never too late to add a few of those to the collection! x

  2. The collections are growing!! Love the tins - so cute and of course the vintage china is just gorgeous!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

    1. The china was like getting an early Christmas pressie! Thank you Liz :) x

  3. Wow I love those tins so much. I need to start scouring eBay - I occasionally see old tins I like in vintage boutiques but they are always so expensive. Some of the best ones I've seen I found in Austin, Texas, but I couldn't bring myself to buy tins emblazoned with "made in England" at a premium price in Texas!

  4. p.s. forgot to mention that I also love and grew up with Beatrix Potter and have an amazing collection of Beatrix Potter porcelaine figurines from when I was a child - currently in my mum's attic, waiting for me to find a good, safe way of displaying them.

    1. I know what you mean, I bought the Tom Kitten tin from a real tin snob on a carboot, and I've found the others far cheaper and in better condition.

      Ooh, would love to see photos of your BP figures one day! x

  5. Hurray! I was wondering if you had won those lovely tins! Well done you! Love the tea cup and saucers too!! Perfection. xx


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