
Friday 1 February 2013

#simplepleasureschallenge January

One of my plans for this year is to enjoy the simple pleasures more. The little things. Those uncomplicated, often free, things and moments that make me smile and help me appreciate what I have around me, both on good days and bad. And then I decided to photograph these moments, because let's face it, come Christmas I won't remember that half an hour I spent messing around with washi tape or that walk on that day. Now I can! Along with my happiness jar I'll have all sorts of spiffing moments to look back on by the end of the year. These images are some of my favourites from January.

You can join in with the challenge on Instagram @missbeatrixsnaps and Twitter


  1. It's a lovely idea Anna, and one that's made a lot easier with the wonder that is Instagram! The Happiness Jar is something that I keep meaning to try, need to put on my Must Do list ...

    Have a lovely weekend

    Claire xxx

  2. I've been enjoying your simple pleasures snaps popping up in my Instagram feed so much, anything that reminds us to take happiness in the little things is a winner :-)

    Jem xXx

    1. It does bring a little more sparkle to my every day, thanks Jem :) x

  3. This is a really great idea. The picture of the hand is very striking (and slightly intriguing!) I love the photo of the tree. Looking forwards to February's already.

    1. The hand picture was when I was making my hand print wall art, so much fun to get messy, I had to capture the moment! x

  4. Good idea! I'm hoping to read this months Contry Living, with a nice glass of wine.....simple pleasures.....but then again, I am simple! :) x

    1. You are a lady of many talents Ada, so it only makes sense that you relax by taking pleasure in the simple things :) x

  5. What a great idea Anna, I'm very new to instagram, so am hoping to get snapping some fun and inspiring photos, much like your own!

    I think the photo of Beatrix is my favourite, she has such a lovely face!

    How's your happiness in a jar coming along? I'm enjoying filling mine up so far, but I keep forgetting to write my memories down at the end of the day! oops!


    1. I'm really enjoying filling the jar, taking advice from Scathingly Brilliant as well by remembering not to put something in until it's already happened, in case it turns into a disappointment. I'm just looking at my jar now and thinking it looks surprisingly full for January, so that's good! x

  6. Each time you post a picture, it reminds all of us to appreciate the simple things too, so thank you Anna!

    Claire x


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