
Monday 28 January 2013

A Toadstool Pincushion

There is something rather lovely about wooden cotton reels...

...But what do you do with the empty ones?

Knowing they must be of some sort of crafty use, I had a go at fashioning a thrifty felty pincushion with some scraps...

It's a little bit wonky but perfectly functional. I normally keep my pins in a teacup during a sewing project, but recently kept finding that I would jab my fingers every time I reached in there for one. Now I'm keeping needles and cotton reels in a teacup and making use of a pincushion for pins. You know, like normal people do.

I have a bit of a thing for toadstools at the moment. When I was small I had a book of children's short stories by Ruth Ainsworth, and in one a boy made a toad house in a hollow at the foot of a tree in his garden, including damp moss to keep visiting toads cool, and a toadstool for them to sit on. Being exactly the sort of child who would do that sort of thing myself the story stuck in my mind, and for some reason I've thought of it a lot lately.

What do you use cotton reels for?


  1. Aw, I love old fashioned wooden cotton reels, my mum has so many in her sewing box I always want to steal them. Cute pincushion idea, I want to give it a go too...

    1. I got mine from my nan's stash, so they're even more special :) x

  2. What a delightfully whimsical little pin cushion Anna! I never thought about doing something like this with mine, but feeling very inspired! Xx

  3. Such a quirky way to fairytale up your empty cotton reels! Toadstools are just such a lovely emblem, I once saw some gorgeous toadstool fabric at Birmingham Rag Market but it was incredibly expensive so I just couldn't quite stretch to treating myself . . . sigh!

    Jem xXx

    1. Toadstools seem to be everywhere (apart from real ones) at the moment, I think they're so cheery! x

  4. The last one I used became the pot holding the twiggy trunk of a little felt Christmas tree I made back in December. Loving the use you've found for yours :D

  5. Ever so sweet and a great idea!

  6. Oh my days!!! This is officially amazing! Now I know what to do with cotton reels :)



  7. Brilliant :) There is something very intriguing about toadstools.

    1. They have rather magical associations, I think that's why I like them! x

  8. Very clever! Mine usually become cat toys and end up under a cupboard or the sofa... but this is a much better use for them :)

    1. Oooh I can imagine cats love them - they're so skittish and roll nicely! x

  9. I have to admit I've never come to the end of a cotton reel, but when I do I will definitely have a go at making one of these! The reel is such a realistic replica of toadstool base. And you know I have a fondness for toadstools too - in fact, I think it could all stem from a story I had on a record as a child, but alas I don't remember what it was called and have never been able to track it down. But the illustrations on the sleeve have always stuck with me. Hope to see more toadstooly creations on your blog soon! Helenx

    1. I do have another toadstooly project in mind... you and I appear to be inspiring one another's fungus related ideas! x

  10. Hi Anna! The pincushion is very cute. I also love your handpainted buttons. I have a craft blog too - would you like to swap banners? I can add yours to the side of my page, and I have a link like yours to grab my banner on the right side of my blog: I'm a happy new reader!

    1. Thank you Cory :) Will check out your blog and get back to you asap! x

  11. Oh this is such a lovely idea! There's something very magical about toadstools, I think. And cotton reels too for that matter. I love the labels on the reels as well! :) xx

    1. I admit I didn't really look at the labels until I came to photograph the reels for this post, but you're absolutely right! x


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