
Thursday 22 November 2012

Exciting News! Miss Beatrix Opens an Etsy Shop

I am pleased to announce that I have opened an Etsy shop! I have spent many hours making and painting my own buttons and am now able to present them to you.

The buttons are available in three different sizes, and while only a few are in the shop at the moment I have a whole notebook full of more designs in the pipeline, so you can expect more arrivals over the next few days.

I am also able to take custom orders, so if you have an idea for an image you'd like to see on a button just drop me a line - there's no extra charge!

Each button is individually made by hand and then painted - so each and every one is different, quirky and unique.

As a little celebration tonight's Creatives Unite will be a two hour special - a sort of Twitter party if you will - from 8-10pm. There will be virtual tea and cake aplenty, as well as a button giveaway.

Hope you can make it,

PS: Hope you liked Bea hosting in my place this week - she certainly enjoyed the biscuity fruits of her labours! x


  1. They are gorgeous!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  2. Congratulations Anna! These are so sweet. Where were you last year when I was looking for sweet buttons for a friend's present?

    Best of luck with the new shop!

    x Elena @ Randomly Happy

  3. *squeals of delight* These buttons are super cute, and I am amazed at how precise the painting is! It must take you ages. Good luck in your new venture!

  4. Congratulations!! These are absolutely gorgeous!! Well done working so hard on this! I hope you get lots of lovely sales.

    Best of luck!
    Jo :-) x

  5. These are gorgeous. I really hope your etsy shop does well, congratulations! :-)

  6. Welcome to Etsy! Wishing you tons of success!

    Emma ♥

  7. Thank you for your lovely messages everyone! x

  8. Well done Anna you clever thing! Will definitely be having a browse through your Etsy shop! Congratulations :) xx

  9. Oh wow, what a lovely idea, these buttons are so unique and pretty. I think I love the squirrel one best. I will have to treat myself soon, have favourited your shop. x

  10. Wow, these are gorgeous! I especially like the bird ones. I hope they sell well. x

  11. Lovely buttons; they would make nice pendants for necklaces.

  12. omg! they are simply amazing.. i am a designer and can tell u that when we are looking for something special to put on a basic item they would be perfect.... i follow u on gfc would u like doing the same?

  13. These buttons are amazing :) Congratulations on the shop - I wish you well with it. I was poorly on Thursday so missed out on the excitement. I hope that you will not be too busy to join creativesunite - please don't forget us :(

    1. Sorry you were poorly but hope you're feeling much better now. Creatives Unite remains my no. 1 priority, don't you worry! Looking forward to seeing you there on Thursday :) x


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