
Monday 12 November 2012

Buttons Buttons Buttons

I know I'm not alone in my love for buttons. I think my fascination with them comes from playing with my nan's and mum's button tins as a child. I used to love scooping up little hand fulls of them and letting them cascade through my fingers. I could use them as money when playing shop, group them into categories, then count them, and all for absolutely no reason whatsoever!

These days I keep my own buttons in a glass kilner jar so I can still admire them, but I actually use them every now and again too! And I suppose I still use them as currency, swapping them with friends and giving them as gifts. They come in so many colours, shapes and sizes, and I can never resist buying a few when I visit a haberdashery or vintage shop. 


I have a special button-related project to share with you next week. In the meantime I'm off to play shop with my button jar again!

Are you a fellow button freak? 

Have a well-fastened Monday,


  1. You know how I feel about buttons.......:)

  2. I'm a HUGE button addict! Like you, I use to love playing with my Mum's biscuit tin full of buttons, running my fingers through them, categorising them etc. I now have my Grandad's old biscuit tin full of vintage buttons, 3 kilner jars and another tin all full...and still counting! I can never resist buying buttons. I had to ban myself (for a bit!) from going to the button ladies at Spittafield Market. I would spend way too much!

    Can't wait to see your button related tutorial next week!

    Jo :-) x

  3. I spot a little Beatrix Potter button amongst your stash!!

    I never thought about using buttons as currency as adults, but it is so true!

    I'm trying to increase my button collection at the moment, but the trouble is I love some of them so much, no project is ever good enough to use them for! Does that sound strange?! xx

    1. Yes I have a few lovely BP buttons, but can't think what to use them for! I know exactly what you mean about them being too nice to use. I just do my best Gollum impression with some of mine...

  4. oh yes Beatriz very much understand how you feel about buttons....I feel quite depressed if my stash in my button jar is depleted and I go on scrounge around the family to give me their spare buttons. My daughter has strick instructions to cut off all buttons before she throws any garment away he! he!

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

    1. Oh I always save buttons too! I have a pair of froggy pyjamas with glittery buttons on, and although the PJs are fine I still can't stop eyeing up those buttons ready for when they wear out!

  5. What a lovely blog you have! I have spent the last few days reading it and I'm a fan. On the topic of buttons: plunging one's hand in a jar of buttons has to be one of life's most rewarding little pleasures :-)

    1. Thank you very much Ellie! I absolutely agree with you - can't keep my hands out of my button jar!

  6. I love buttons, and you've got some lovely ones!

    Claire xx

  7. need you ask?!!!
    my buttons are colour coded and put into jam jars, then I have buttons in a tin because they are too large for the jars and then I have my extra special buttons that I will never use, these are on a cake stand so I can just look at them.
    Hope I haven't scared you with my crazy button talk!
    : )

    1. You're a fellow crazy button lady Mrs. H! And hurray for that :) x

  8. Love love love buttons, and my love stems back to my wonderful great nanny, she had a HuGe tin crammed full! Glorious!
    Victoria xx

  9. I am a total button freak as you know!!! Look forward to seeing the button project.

    1. Maybe we should set up 'Button Freaks Not-So Anonymous'! x

  10. Buttons are the best! Cute as can be, super practical, available in countless styles, hues and shapes, and always a great way to spiff up any project. I use them often my crafts, too, and also find I'm drawn to items that depict them (for much of the first three years of my blog's life, I even used a template there that had buttons surrounding the header).

    Wishing you a beautiful Tuesday, dear Anna,
    ♥ Jessica

    1. I love items with button designs on too! You're right, they really do add that special something don't they.

      Thank you Jessica :) x

  11. can't wait to see the project. Don't think I can even comment on buttons...

    1. I am VERY excited about the project. I know your feelings about buttons! x

  12. Oh how I do love buttons!! I'm still working my way through I huge stash I bought of Ebay a couple of years ago. I loved sorting them in to different colours. Can't wait to see your button project! x

    1. It seems a few of us like to categorize buttons! x

  13. I ADORE collecting buttons so I love this post! Your collection is so colorful <3

  14. Buttons are just happy-making. I mean how can anyone look at these photos and not smile (apart from one of those people who have the button phobia of course).


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