
Monday 19 November 2012

A Guest Post by Beatrix

Hello! Beatrix here. Anna is rushed off her feet this week (easily done as she only has two), as she's opening an Etsy shop on Thursday as well as going to work (which pays for my food) so I thought that seeing as this blog is named after me and everything, I'd volunteer to hold the fort here today while she gets on with it.

I know you're dying to know what I've been up to over the weekend, so I'll tell you.

Anna has been making doggie bandannas from vintage fabric, and here I am trying one on. 

I went on a lovely Autumn walk. There were lots of interesting smells and I snuffled and rolled around in the leaves. This is only my second Autumn and I can't really remember the last one, so it's very exciting for me. 

I wore my hand-knitted jumper, as it was quite chilly. As you can see from this picture I am on a lead, which I often wear on walks to stop Anna getting lost. She often wanders off so it's my job to look after her. 

While on this walk we met this. I think it's some sort of water-bound dog, but can't be sure. Apparently his name is Thomas, and he and his wife make a nest on this canal every year. 

I know some of you like vintage, so here's a photo Anna showed me of her great great Grandpa Salter from 1933, and his prize-winning dog, Kiss. I've got a kiss on the end of my name, but I think this is our only similarity. I like sitting on benches too, because then I can see the world as humans do. Apparently this dog won so many prizes that all the trophies were melted down and made into a silver tea service, which Anna's grandmother still has on display today. I won 'cutest pup' at a dog show last year for sitting nicely and making my ears look extra specially big. 

After all that I was worn out, so settled down for a good old snooze...

...Well, until Anna rudely woke me up...

I'll be back on Wednesday with my special recipe for dog biscuits - perfect if you're making all your Christmas presents like Anna is this year. Because we all know which present is the most important, don't we?


Bea. x


  1. Well, it looks like you look after Anna very well. Tell her I'm looking forward to her Etsy shop, hope you enjoyed the biscuits! :)

  2. Sounds like a busy day! That's a lovely bandanna too :)

  3. What a fab blog post x

  4. Aw I love this, great idea for a post. I love her fashion poses too, I am envious of dogs who dont mind wearing clothes, we tried to put a coat on our family dog and she was mortified, she runs away at the sheer sight of it now! Haha! maybe she would be open to the idea of a vintage fabric bandanna though!

    1. Bea hated her winter coat last year but we then realised that she was growing at such a rate that she was essentially being squeezed into it, so no wonder! I've got her one this year that makes her look like Sherlock Holmes and she loves it now... probably because of all the fuss and attention she gets in it when we're out! x


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