
Wednesday 19 September 2012

Nautical Series Part 2: Smash Book

Arrrr, me hearties, I am back with the second in my Nautical Series. (First post here). 

I decided to gather all sorts of seaworthy ideas and pop them into my smash book to make a themed page. Smash booking is already becoming an exciting new craft for me because I have come to realise lately that every craft or art I do is pretty precise, whether it be working with miniatures, embroidery, knitting or sewing. One slipped stitch or lapse in concentration and it's often all over! Even when writing - although writing can be a very free artform - I tend to spend a long time choosing that perfect phrase to describe that situation.

So my smash book allows me to just get my ideas on a page, to stick them in haphazardly without worrying about doing it wrong, or being neat, and to just enjoy the process. It feels like getting back to the rawness of creativity.  

I'm sure this page will help spawn ideas for the rest of my nautical series too!

Have you tried smash booking yet? This video explains things pretty well if you're wondering exactly what it is:


I'm off to drink copious amounts of rum walk the plank,

Ta ta!


  1. What a lovely idea, Anna! Very inspirational! xxx

  2. LOVE it! Smashing is so much fun isn't it?!

    Where did you get your map from? I'm on the hunt for some at the moment and I have no idea where to start looking!

    1. It was very relaxing, though stressful at first as I forced myself to stop planning and tweaking and just, well... smash! I made my dad clear out his study and give me his old OS maps. I used to work in a library and they cleared theirs out whenever they became out of date, and some get rid altogether now the internet is preferred, so you could try asking at yours? Or put out a request on Freecycle, perhaps. x

    2. Oh good idea thank you. I'll pop into the library on my lunch break tomorrow. thanks lovely x

  3. That video is so absorbing! We're always encouraged to do this during our uni projects to cook up ideas! Your nautical spread is beautiful! A very inspiring post Anna :) xx

    1. I have watched the video a fair few times now! It's a great way to come up with ideas, going to use it more often :) x

  4. Dear Anna
    What an inspiring post - thank you. I do have a book with ideas for projects, but I like the book for ideas about anything together with memories, bits and pieces and stuff.
    Best wishes

    1. Thank you Ellie. Yes, I normally keep my books to themes so it's quite a challenge to allow myself to stick anything in this one that comes to mind! Great fun :)

  5. I never heard of smash booking before though it looks very fun! Your nautical page is great and it inspired me to create a nautical inspired outfit.

    It's funny when the girl in the video opens her messy "junk drawer". I used to have a drawer filled with small pieces of paper just like that but I recently organized it all and threw a lot of it out. Maybe it's time to start collecting again! Have a great weekend, Anna!

    1. That's brilliant, Paula because I'm thinking of a nautical outfit for the next series installment! Would love to see what you come up with. You should definitely give smashing a go!


  6. Lovelet! I did'nt know that you liked the sea so much.And you don't know that you have a fan out there :)

  7. This is new to me, but your nautical version is just lovely. Great blog.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger


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