
Tuesday 29 April 2014

Creatives Unite Non Uniform Day


"What is this madness?" I hear you cry, "there's a uniform for Creatives Unite?!"

Well no. Not unless you count pyjamas.

I have a question for you. Yes, you.

Are you stuck in a style rut?

You see, myself, Lauren, aka @hairstoncollado, Amanda, aka @pidgecrick, Zoe, aka @ScentedSweetpeas and Sam, aka @patternpiper were having a blummin' good chat during Creatives Unite on Twitter last Thursday (if you don't already join us for a spot of creative time on Thursday evenings then do; all you need to know is here), and we got to discussing the 'uniform' of jeans, top and cardigan that us busy ladies can all be guilty of falling into when we're busy being fabulous/mums/working several jobs/looking after a large-eared demanding dog.

So then Zoe had a rather faburiffic idea... why not run a style challenge in May, through Creatives Unite?

"Now then," you're thinking, "now then, just what has being stuck in a style rut got to do with Creatives Unite?"

 Well here it is. In order to get out of said style rut, we've decided to be more creative about getting dressed in the mornings. It could be the simple addition of a brooch or a scarf, or maybe a different hairstyle or make up (I'm so guilty of doing the same boring make up routine every morning). And then we can use our Creatives Unite time on a Thursday to make things to help in our challenge... perhaps making a bracelet, or jazzing up a pair of sneakers like Zoe has, below. Perhaps sew a headband or paint our nails or create a Pinterest board for inspiration... the list is endless! Sam has already put together her own Pinterest board to get us started.

Zoe pimped up her plimsolls as a positive way to get started on our challenge

So, from May 1st, this Thursday - which happens to land perfectly on a Creatives Unite day - we'll be sharing our photos using the hashtag #creativesunitenonuniformday, all in the name of adding a little zing and confidence to our daily lives. Follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to follow my progress, and do check out the other lovely ladies too.

The only question that remains, then, is... are you going to take part?


  1. love this I will be joining in over @bespokebabyboutique! great idea ladies x

  2. Can't wait, must told everyone on facebook about it so hopefully we have more people joining in the fun :-)

    1. You got a really good response! Very exciting :) x

  3. I'm looking forward to mixing things up with forgotten accessories that have been lingering at the back of my drawer and trying out new hairstyles! I'm doing the 30-item wardrobe, so I'm also going to focus on mixing things up and not wearing the same top/cardi/jeans combo. Bring it on! :-)

    1. Yes, it's all about the unworn accessories, right?! No need to buy anything at all! x

  4. Love this idea :) I'm in especially since I had already planned to make two skirts and dresses this month.. my first foray into dressmaking!

  5. Like it, and looking forward to this evening :)

  6. Love this idea - wish I'd read about it earlier! Going to spend creatives unite tonight painting my nails a bright colour and practising new hair styles... actually maybe I should do the hair first! x

    1. So glad you're taking part - you can do so at any time in May really :) x

  7. HI Anna, Being a student this really struck me when I started my phd this year so I've been making a conscious effort not to just pull on jeans and a top. It actually does get easier and I've made some new clothes (skirt, pair of trousers, dress etc) to get round it too!


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