
Monday 10 February 2014

#PostCircle Star of the Month: January

I'm not very good at getting this out on time, am I? Must try harder. Anyway, without further ado, it's time to announce the #PostCircle Star of the Month and the #PostCircle Team of the Month.


Congratulations to Claire of Clairabellemakes!

I got a lovely email from fellow #TeamRabbit member Jo, telling me how Claire sends delightful letters, and had even taught Jo to knit by letter. I love a bit of snail mail skill sharing! Well done Claire, we of the happy post world salute you.

And the team taking the trophy this month? (There is no trophy, but hey, we can pretend)...

It's #TeamSparrow! I've been watching you guys on social media and it's been lovely to see the appreciate tweets among you. Well done!

That's it for another month - remember, it doesn't matter how new a group you are, how short your letters are or whether you post first class or second, we're looking for lovely, thoughtful post that makes a difference to those who receive it.

Happy posting,


  1. You're good! Xx

    New post:

  2. Oh my word it's me! Wowzers I feel so honoured. Very happy to be able to share skills and a big huge thanks to you Anna as I've made real life friends through Post Circle and couldn't imagine a life without happy mail now.

    Congrats to Team Sparrow!

    Claire x *raises virtual trophy* and hopes that letters fall around me instead of confetti

  3. Very appropriate that TeamSparrow should be so good on Twitter ;)


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