
Friday 6 September 2013

Miss Beatrix Delivers a Craft Workshop

On Tuesday I had the honour of paying a visit to a different WI to my own in Sheffield - Netheredge WI (aka WINE), where I delivered a workshop in making button bracelets. 

It was an area of the city I hadn't visited before, and it was great to be able to see how another group works and meet lots of new faces. After a little introductory speech I dished out piles of colourful buttons and we set to work threading them to make our bracelets. This was the second time I've demonstrated this particular craft, and it never ceases to amaze me how every single person interprets the idea differently and picks such fantastic colour combinations. 

My impromptu stall/show and tell table...

Wine and crafts - I like this WI's thinking!

I really enjoyed spending the evening with these ladies, and any excuse to get out into Sheffield and promote being crafty and creative is always welcome.


  1. Looks like a fantastic evening :) xxx

  2. Thanks Anna, it was a fun evening that our ladies enjoyed! x

  3. That's brilliant Anna, well done. Looks like everyone enjoyed it. x

  4. Just like Ada, I wish I'd been there too. Looks like a fab evening. Wine, craft and other like minded crafters. What more could a girl ask for?

  5. Fab - gotta love the WI! You are the button queen :-)

  6. I'd totally join the WI if I still lived in the UK!
    Love your little stall!!! :-)


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