
Wednesday 15 August 2012

Mint Iced Mocha

A few weeks ago I was happily ambling through Leeds city centre when a very cheerful smiley young woman sprung up in front of me and offered me a sample of Costa Coffee's new addition, iced mocha. It's pretty rare for me to buy coffee while I'm out and about simply because the prices annoy me; if I do it's because I'm meeting a friend and we're making an occasion of it. 

This iced mocha of Costa's, though, had me rather impressed. Not so much that I went inside and bought a full sized version, oh no - I went home to Sheffield, hopped online and found out how to make my own. Once I'd mastered that I decided to add a minty twist, resulting in the ridiculously easy recipe you see below.

All you need is:
1 mug black coffee, cold
1 mug of fresh milk
2 tablespoons of Lyle's Mint Syrup

Bung all of your ingredients in a blender (ice crushing friendly or you'll need to bash the ice separately) and pop in a glass!

I decided to use a teacup, naturally. I found this drink really refreshing, especially as the weather so far has been better than predicted this week. It's like drinking a liquid icy mint Aero. Yum!

What's your favourite drink in warm weather?

P.S.: My little giveaway for a felt owl keyring kit is ending tonight at midnight! Enter here - all it takes is a comment.


  1. Oh that sounds yummy! I am caffiene free so could make it with decaf. Thanks :-)

    1. Definitely - the mint is enough of a lift in itself.

  2. This sounds delish! I'm going to try it :)

  3. That looks yummy!! As I sit and type this, the rain is pouring against my window unfortunately! So much for the nice weather. Very pretty tea cup may I add! I also agree about the prices of coffee, and I work in a coffee shop myself! I suppose making it a rarity makes the occasion even more special :) xx

    1. It's raining here in Sheffield now so think I ruined it! Thank you - the cup is from PiP Studio, I am veeeeery slowly collecting as much of the range as I can. x

  4. I have a copy of Nancy Mitford's Madame de Pompadour, too! I love Nancy Mitford so much. Anyway, I used to really love picking up a mint Aero at the British imports store when I was a kid. I had no idea there was such a thing as Lyle's Mint Syrup. That sounds dangerous. It's probably a good thing we don't have it here.

    1. Ah those crazy Mitfords, how I love them all. Apart from Unity's little fascism obsession, that is. I'm sure you'll have a version of mint syrup over there as I consider your nation to be the kings of syrup. On waffles. And pancakes. Drool.


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