
About Me


Thank you for dropping in at Miss Beatrix! I try to make my blog a place where you want to kick your shoes off, pop the kettle on, and take ten to have a good browse.

I'm Anna, a tea-supping twenty-something living in beautiful Yorkshire, UK. I set up this blog to share my journey towards a more vintage-inspired way of life, my many crafting adventures and interests in social history and all things homemade.

I am something of a creative craft bug. I love spending my Sunday mornings strolling around carboot sales, looking for items to lovingly restore back to their former glory, or upcycle into something new. Dolls houses and miniatures have always been my particular craft - I would love to create a wartime house one day - but you will find a great many other crafts here on this blog. My handmade, hand painted buttons shop is here.

I firmly believe that making more of what you have, enjoying the little things, looking at the old with fresh eyes and supporting and promoting creative industries will go a long way in getting us through this recession, and I am a proud supporter of all things Made in Britain.

When I'm not crafting you'll generally find me with a pen in one hand and a cup of tea in the other or out walking my dog, making big plans. It's because I believe in the many benefits of creativity that I set up a collective session that takes place on Twitter every Thursday evening, called Creatives Unite! You'll find a dedicated page here, and all are welcome, whatever your craft or creative interest.

This blog is also the home of #PostCircle, a 180-strong community of people who love sending and receiving happy post! You can find out more about that here

My blog is named after my dog and partner in thrifting, Beatrix. She has a real nose for a bargain (when it isn't stuck in the glitter pot) and her namesake, Beatrix Potter is one of my heroines. She turned my life upside down when she and her large ears arrived nearly two years ago, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Thanks for calling in!